It’s no surprise that the isolation and struggles of the last year and a half are weighing on many individual’s mental health. If you are an employer, chances are that many of your employees are struggling right now and the possibility that some have turned to substance or another form of addiction very much exists. How can you, as an employer, help the situation? One of the most important things you can do is start the conversation that allows employees to begin the road to recovery.
Mental Health Awareness Training
Since addiction often coincides and/or is precipitated by a struggle with a mental health disorder, a great place to start is to schedule a mental health awareness training for your organization. Employees will learn the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns as well as available resources to help.
Routine Employee Rounding
Now that the conversation surrounding mental health and addiction is less taboo in your workplace, the hope is that employees will feel more freedom to voice personal concerns. Make it a point to meet with each employee on a regular basis to check in regarding professional and personal concerns. Ensure confidentiality and allow this to be a place where employees feel safe to share struggles.
Consider an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
An EAP provides services and resources for employees to cope with personal problems that are likely affecting workplace performance and productivity. You may not have the bandwidth to hire professionals to provide counseling services or treatment for addiction but contracting with an outside company is a great solution!
Begin the conversation about mental health concerns and addiction in your organization by contacting Solace Asia at 012.885.4686 today.