Sri Emas International School, is a team of experienced educators who are passionate and determined in nurturing young people to become great leaders. The team is held in high regards by the community with a track record built over almost 20 years as it continuously over-delivers when it comes to ensuring meaningful learning experiences for students. They are located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Along with Solace Sabah, they are conducting a program "To increase awareness of substance abuse in teenagers".
They would be targeting teenagers aged 13-17. Their concept is to go with the fundamental feelings of being 'high and drunk' and its effects on people. As part of the program, they would be sending students in groups into a maze like obstacle course where they will experience the common feelings of blurred vision, not being able to walk in a straight line, seeing imaginary images,etc. - All that a person under the influence would experience.
![Sobriety Maze](
The room will be blasted with loud 'high' music and they will be wearing a pair of goggles each which can reflect stuff such as lights and images. One of the group member however will not be wearing the goggles as he or she will be the 'sober' friend. Their aim is to survive and get out of the maze with all of their group members, going through the obstacle course. They will be setting up two rooms, next to each other with slightly different routes to give them different illusions.
Solace sabah is proud to be partnering with such a radical, innovative and forward thinking school in Malaysia. Sri Emas will also be contributing funds to Solace Sabah, which will go to treat addicts who otherwise cannot afford residential treatment.
We hope that the other schools take cue from the wonderful work being done at Sri Emas International and introduce Programs that help this widespread calamity called "Addiction".