Non-substance Related Addictions
When you think of an addiction you most likely think of addiction to drugs or alcohol, however addiction does not have to be related to a substance such as drugs or alcohol. Other types of addiction are prevalent such as gambling, internet, and sex addiction, though they do not receive the same public attention as that of drug and alcohol addictions.
Addiction Signs
You may easily see the effects of a substance addiction, while the effects of a gambling, sex, or internet addiction can often be hidden to those around them. Some of the not so obvious signs of one of these addictions may include emotional withdrawal from close loved ones, signs of sleeplessness from staying up late, loss of interest in activities they previously enjoyed, sudden and unexplainable financial difficulty, and pulling back from social engagements.
Available Treatment
You may hear about all different types of addiction recovery support groups and treatment centers but most likely they are primarily addressing substance addictions. It is important to know that recovery is also possible for other addictions like the ones we have discussed in this post. Often, a combination of group and individual counseling sessions and methods such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) are available to help individuals struggling with a variety of addictions.
If you or your loved one is struggling with an addiction, seek out professional help by contacting Solace Asia at 012.885.4686 today.