Five Reasons Not to choose a rehab in Thailand.
Many addicts are choosing to have their treatment for addiction in Thailand. For just a couple of minutes, read on and ponder why Thailand shouldn’t be the place of choice for treatment from addiction. Here are some points that needs pondering before one makes their decision on a Thai rehab:
1) Thai rehabs are near the golden triangle:
Thailand is situated in one of the world’s highest drug-producing regions known as the golden triangle, which comprise the hills between Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. Being in proximity to where drugs are produced, they are easily attained. Would you want to choose a place to recover that is so close to a possible relapse? Thailand is certainly not a safe decision as drugs are prevalent nationwide due to its location.
2) Thailand is one of the world’s top destinations for Sex Tourism.
Sex tourism is booming in Thailand. With the country being a magnet for sex tourism on both sides of the equation – patrons and prostitutes in their “go-go” bars or by the streets; makes Thailand an unsuitable place to recover. The environment beyond the rehab seems to promote a different lifestyle to one that’s necessary in early recovery – sobriety.
3) Shadiness
Have you ever wondered why there are only foreigners (Caucasians) who run modern rehabs in Thailand? Why don’t we have modern rehabs that are run by locals? It’s not like there is a lack of entrepreneurial spirit among the local population! There is an ominous sense that things may not be as safe as it seems. Furthermore, only one modern rehab to date, has been noted to be licensed by local authorities. Does that mean that other rehabs are unlicensed? Hence, the shadiness around Thai rehabs. It seems there’s a lack of safety, security and no scrutiny from governmental authorities over the conduct of these centers, all of which is good reason to seek treatment elsewhere.
4) Questionable Practices
There is one traditional Thai rehab that treats its patients by inducing them to vomit, once for a week to detoxify themselves from addictive substances. Although the motives are noble, but the ingredients of 100 herbs that are used to create this medicine has not to date been revealed. This is highly questionable when it comes to treating addiction because herbal substances are actually very addictive like Cannabis and Kratom. The ignorance of the medicine’s ingredients are due to local expectations against rigorous scientific research to support claims for addiction treatment. If there’s negligence around scientific research, the chances of recovery are also questionable and negligible as it is all based on hearsay, subjectivity and luck. Do you want to risk yourself or a loved one to pure chance?
5) Luxurious Portrayal of Recovery
Recovery is life-long. It is about being clean in one’s home environment and not about having a nice holiday in far-off Thailand, unless one wants to start living like that for the rest of one’s life. The modern rehabs in Thailand are couched in the luxury of resort-style living. Although there is great appeal to a resort-style getaway, but that is all immaterial to the life that an addict will have to face upon discharge. Most of these rehabs are dream-holidays that stave addiction for the time-being, but life in the lap of luxury and not focused on re-connecting with the real world, is the wrong portrayal of recovery and one might wonder if these rehabs are in the business of helping addicts’ recovery or making the big bucks from wealthy foreigners!